The light within. A light to guide us through the dark and fog that our world is currently enveloped in.
Commissioned by Rokko Meets Art, an annual art show that takes place at Rokkosan, a national park in Kobe, Japan, “LIGHTHOUSE” is a new sound and light installation work. Featuring deep sub bass foghorn like tones, the works uses the natural resonances of the site space to send signals echoing throughout the surrounding natural landscape. Slowly modulating lights imperceptibly shift and illuminate the spiraling staircase of the interior space and emanate a warm glow from within. The work is on display from Sat. 9/12 - Mon. 11/23. It feels strange to be exhibiting work after all these months amidst a global pandemic but also so essential and necessary. //// 9/12-11/23 まで開催中の六甲ミーツアートで光と音を使ったインスタレーション作品「LIGHTHOUSE」を展示中です。この霧がかかった世の中を照らす灯台と霧笛を放つ霧信号所を作りました。良かったら是非神戸まで足を運んでください。協力して下さった音響システム担当のWhitelight 牟田口さんと設営の谷口さん、六甲ミーツアートのスタッフやプロデュースの谷口さんの皆さんに感謝です!